Financial Management Services
These services are targeted at a company’s financial management systems with the objective of ensuring cost efficiency, increasing productivity and improving control mechanisms within the company.
Stage 1 – evaluation. Determine what the current situation is.
Stage 2 – analysis and plan. Analyze the results of the evaluation and develop an action plan and time table for implementation.
Stage 3 – execution. Help the Client implement changes.
What do our Clients get out of Financial Services?
Assessment of the current financial management systems, including:
The company’s budget (sales budget, operating and maintenance budgets, expenses by function, operating income, investment budget),
finance control - actual vs. budget,
internal procedures,
expense accountability,
Cost accounting practices,
Labor and machine standards and efficiencies.
Identification of improvement areas within the company;
Know how of budgeting/planning /controlling processes;
Implementation, development and/or improvement of financial management systems.
The stage 1 – evaluation assignment could include the following activities:
qualified personnel visit the Client’s facility for between four days and two weeks to meet personnel from the Client’s side and collect information.
produce a report with assessment of actual status and suggestions for future steps to be taken and cost estimates for the analysis stage.
Timing: six weeks
Cost: depends on the company‘s size, actual existing finance management systems, diversity of products/operations. A contract price will be determined once we get some basic information about the operation.